Started trimming
removed smaller on 25bp



Trying to import into 4.7


REIMPORTING all onto Server

Will be trimming on Server and 4.7 (local) for comparison

local trim

trim results on server

Starting denovo on 4.7 (local)


Starting denovo assembly on server

time 9/10/11 - 9am
next day
Server assembly


4.7 assembly

quite similar 
will go with server which is 5854  consensus

on 4.7 started blast with Swiss-Prot and in the process of downloading current (Sept 9) databases. Swiss-Prot and also nr as this is a dependency.

blasting on Inquiry

also blasting locally on 4.7
using Swiss-prot

Local blast complete

1930 have hits.
Inquiry also done


also blasting local new databases

NEW Swiss-prot local blast results

SPblast_091111_5854.csv<<<________________use this
Evernote 20110912 07.00.49.wav


Remote Swiss-prot blast
note unusual Accession #s